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The Resurrection of Faith...a Story of Serendipity

Leo Phoenix Gotcha Day.JPG

For about 5 or 6 years now my children have been asking for a dog. Well, first they asked for a sibling…right after I got divorced. I don’t think they were quite grasping how that works. Since no baby was happening, they harped on getting a dog and I have consistently said no. I enjoy dogs, but I didn’t want the responsibility that comes with them. 

Fast forward to two months ago. I asked myself what I was really scared of when thinking about getting a dog. The answer came quickly. Loss of my freedom. I have two independent and responsible teenagers, which means my freedom in many ways, has returned. My daughter is turning 17 and has a car. She does errands for us and even gets her brother around. Why would I want to give up any more of my time and energy?

I then realized…wait…I have two responsible and independent teenagers…who would likely do a fantastic job with the responsibility of a dog. I then gave them a month to show me they were ready by keeping their rooms and the house clean without me asking. I didn’t actually think they would do it. They did. Then I asked them to draw up a contract outlining my responsibility versus theirs. They would have 85% of the responsibility and I would hold 15%. This I could commit to. Plus, dogs are cool. I’ve always secretly wanted one. 

I told the kids if we are meant to get a puppy it would find its way to us. I believe in Serendipity. I believe whatever we are meant to have will show up in our life. And yet, during a pandemic when all the regular rules of life have changed, it seemed that we would be doing more of the searching and seeking than letting much in. 

We searched for weeks. If you’ve ever attempted to rescue and adopt a puppy you know it’s an interesting process. And for a feeler like me, I found it odd to be looking for my future family member on what felt like a dating app. A few dogs were available to us, but none that quite felt right. 

Last week, as we prepared to virtually meet another dog who was cute, (aren’t they all?) my daugher’s friend reached out and asked if we were still looking for a puppy because her mom was friends with someone who had a local rescue. She sent us some pictures and one puppy in particular struck me. It’s energy was beautiful and it’s markings drew me in. I wanted to meet this dog and it would be in the state on Sunday. We could meet it then.

Later in the day my daughter told me the pup was a boy and his name was Phoenix. “That’s cool,” I said. “I like that name but not sure if we’ll keep it if we get the dog.”

An hour or two later I was outside sitting in the sun and the puppy’s name popped in my head. 

Phoenix. Wait a minute…Phoenix? That’s some powerful symbolism.  The Pheonix is a sign of deep transformation and renewal. It is known for bursting into flames when it dies and rising from the ashes after death. Wow. That’s a powerful dog.

Then it hit me, we are meeting him on Sunday…Easter Sunday. The day when Jesus rose from the dead and resurrected to prove eternal life, and rebirthing faith and hope. 


This dog came to us and was meant to be ours. When we met him this morning, he was calm in our arms and gave us plenty of kisses. His tail wagged and my kids fell in love.  He’s spent the day with us seeming pretty comfortable in our presence and even in his crate. It is clear, he is home. Rebirthed into our hearts in a way that will transform our family. No doubt. This is Serendipity. This is the way Love always makes it’s presence known. Welcome Leo Phoenix Reilly.

I do not subscribe to a particular organized religion, but I do subscribe to Faith. My faith was strengthened today and my heart cracked open just a little bit more. When you’re ready, love finds it’s way. 

Happy Rebirth and Transformation from my family to yours!