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The Goddess and The Cat Poop


One of my favorite parts of tapping into my spirituality and seeing the world in a different view is recognizing the ongoing symbolism around us. For an analytical brain like mine, it’s like Field Day in grammar school playing with the conversations and events of the day to understand the direction I’m going in.  So many options and angles to look at and wonder what their deeper meaning is…or question if I’m just looking too hard and the explanation is far more simple than I’m seeing.  Some days I’m the fastest kid in the race, others I’m the most skilled at maneuvering around the obstacles and many, many days, I simply forget to move off the starting line.

I am very fortunate to have a Spirit Sister in this road of my journey.  We could easily talk all day long of the amazing “coincidences” that seem to guide us daily.  What I love the most is how similar we both are in our awe and excitement of everything we learn.  Like children in candy stores, we marvel at sweet surprises and laugh when the candy we were just talking about shows up in our hand. We also take turns in our stages of distrust and confusion, thank God! When one of us goes down, the other is typically standing firm in her knowing that we are in fact, exactly where we need to be and it’s all part of the process of reaching our destination…whatever or wherever that is.

So last week, when we were both struggling with intense feelings of grief, loss and emotion overload, it was not nearly as much fun.  By the weekend, it was a slow climb up to ground level and we were in need of some healing work ourselves.  Since we both practice and love IET, we scheduled in a healing swap, one after the other.

I took the practitioner role in the first round and went right to my happy place of pulling out stagnant energy in her field that needed to go.  Goodbye negativity. You are not welcome here anymore.  By the end of her session I was seeing a huge, beautiful, multicolored butterfly in her soul and I gotta tell you, it was massive. Like I would have been borderline claustrophobic if it wasn’t so incredibly gorgeous.  And being that butterflies are a symbol of the cycle of life in the work that she does, as well as it being a time for her to spread her wings, there was no guessing as to why the big ass butterfly was there.

Then it was my turn! I was already relaxed from channeling the energy so this was like a double dose of awesomeness.  I asked for two things to happen during this healing (yes, you can make requests). First I asked for the intense full moon energy to amplify my healing session and next, I asked that my knee which felt like it was just crunched internally when I twisted it wrong and was throbbing, be healed.  By the way, I’m always skeptical, but it’s worth a shot.

I think we were unblocking any feelings and thoughts of distrust when there was a scratch at the door.  “Hmm...this never happens, I must let her in.” said my Spirit Sister.  And then I heard scratch, scratch, scratch. Uh oh.  The cat came in to use her litter box and left us with a very stinky gift. “Seriously?” I asked, what is the meaning behind this?”  I started laughing and couldn’t stop, neither one of us could.  It was so stinky and seemingly so purposeful! 

“Get the shit out?” We questioned.

“I’m full of shit?” 

“Time to clear out the old?”

“Are you shitting me?” 

So many possibilities.

Towards the middle of my session a Goddess came in and named herself to my Spirit Sister.  The Goddess named Freja.

I know nothing about Goddesses except that I strive to be one. We resolved to look her up afterwards.  A flock of doves came in as well. How fun!! 

As the session ended, I noticed that my knee no longer hurt. The pain vanished and there was no residual discomfort. One request met. If one laughs continuously from stinky cat poop while releasing their negative energy, does this count as an amplified healing? I vote yes. 

Then it was time to hit the books and the internet to find the deeper meaning from our visitors.   I began to read about Freja, the Goddess of Love and Beauty. (and who the day Friday is named after!) Freja is seen as a force of good in the world and protector of the weak. She is a healer, grants magic and is a powerful source of love and peace.  I’m liking the sounds of this Goddess in my life!

And then as I continue to read, there it is in bold black and white, Freja rides a chariot towed by, you guessed it (if you were guessing), Big Cats.

Not only that, but there is a cat next to her in the picture and a further explanation of her connections to cats. 


Truthfully, if the cat didn’t stink up the room, I never would have noticed or remembered her visit.  But now, I will never, ever forget.  

Thank you symbolism for the laugh and reiteration that you have a hand...or just about everything.