There is a reason you were given to me first. I needed a child with patience and faith that her mother would do the right thing for her, even when she wasn’t sure what the right thing was yet.

There is a reason you have so many features of your father. To remind us that although you grew in my body, he played a role just as prominent as mine.

There is a reason obstacles have been created in front of you.  To show you that you could jump over them and know that nothing will ever get in your way.

There is a reason you were given so many words. To show you that you have a voice to ask for what you need, but also to speak for those whose voices are quiet and words are few.

There is a reason you are so sensitive. To feel the pains of the world around you, but to find the strength to rise above them and see the joys that lie ahead.

There is a reason you were given so much intelligence.  To teach your wisdom with clarity and allow us to view the portal into your heart.

There is a reason why you were brought into my life.  I prayed for light to guide the way and you showed up on the doorstep of the darkness.

There is a reason it seems I can’t love you more than I already do.  My heart would burst and flood the streets and envy would strike the land.

There is a reason I am thankful every single day….because I have you to love.

Happy 10th Birthday to my Beautiful Baby Girl!

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