It’s time to take back your life. Yes, I’m talking to you. You know the life you always talk about? The one with the free time? The one where you see your friends, read a book, take a bath, journal, go for a walk, drink coffee in quiet. It’s your life I’m talking about…and mine.
We are in this together, this life of ours. We cry at the same movies, watch the same news reports, empathize with those in pain and laugh at the same jokes. Maybe our level of acceptable is different, but humor is humor and pain is pain, no matter the degree.
I know it’s time for you to take back your life because it’s time for me to take back mine. And of course, we’re all connected, so I know you are feeling the strains and aches and pains and heartache and joy and peace. Maybe we feel them at different times, but we still feel them. All of us…every single one.
But today, you take our life back. Today you will make a list of what its’ going to take. On that list will include making a date with a friend. On that list will be drawing up your vision of your dream vacation. On that list will be exactly when you plan the time and day you will sit alone for 10 minutes and drink that coffee, tea, or chocolate milk by yourself in silence and breathe this week.
On that list, you will come up with the ideal job where someone pays you to do what you love. On that list, you will write the names of all the people you want to thank for making your life special and filled with joy. On that list you will add one dream you can’t let go of and why. And on that list you will tell your significant other just what that dream is…and if your significant other is currently you, tell yourself.
If you can’t do it for yourself, do it for me. But today is the day. Its Go time.